Sunday, April 29, 2007
hohoho. havent blogged in almost a week. my weekend was really kind of dull. we'll start with friday. had some classes in the morning and had lunch with my parents. league at night and played mahjong at my place till about four in the morning. goodness, my luck lately have been quite bad. calling 3 6 and 9 bamboo after the third round and i didnt pull a single bamboo man. arghh so pissed. anyhow saturday had some charity bowlinks thingy for sbf. hmmm had to help out running around serving popcorns and candy floss =p quite fun. training in the afternoon followed by watching the awesome comeback by man utd haha at src. met the group at night at riverine. went down to mos after. ohh i met cadenze there too. small singapore. left earlier than i thought because i wasnt feeling too well. sunday was dull yo. went to visit my grandmama. havent seen her in like 2 or 3 months! came back to sleeeep my way through the oh so sunny weather. had dinner at swissotel and back home.
the weekend was really really b o r i n g man, couldnt have had a worse one. and i didnt see my girlfriend again. she's busy mugging for her mid years. cant wait for her exams and all to end you know. i'll be waitinggg...
goodness class tomorrow is going to be quite long and draggy. i'll have to try to wake up early and not be late if not i'll have to freaking sing a song in front of the class. gotta hurry go off and scurry to my bed. its calling me. i just know. byeeee <3
express yourself! {23:48}
Monday, April 23, 2007
so my miss singapore universe experience wasnt so bad.
walking wasnt so terrible considering i practiced walking up and down twenty one times in the men toilet. hahahah getting the smile and all took some bit of practice. i mean i dont smile much right hahaha. reception was really really fun. running around and taking pictures with the contestants and going to the set to take more pictures with them. i miss the msu and team singapore atheletes already. hahaha just a teeeny bit. talking about missing, i miss my girlfriend! if you're reading this, i miss you :(
okay picture time!
team singapore with adrian and andrea
our wardrobe
phoebe and cadenze, contestant 3 and 16 (:
before we parted :(
express yourself! {22:14}
Sunday, April 22, 2007
intoxication is not in my dictionary no more.
dont want to be called a dipsomaniac.
shoo shoo far away chivas, martell, absolut heineken, carlsberg and tiger.
all these inebriating aqua vitae are detrimental to my subsistence. and of course my health!
There's a lot going on whenever alcohol's going through the body, so we'll limit ourselves here to main systems only:
Liver. Since alcohol is so toxic, clearing it out of the system is a priority. And when the liver gets busy getting rid of alcohol, it gets behind in other functions, like maintaining stable blood-glucose levels to the brain. It takes a pounding in the process, too. Cirrhosis is a common result of long-term drinking, and one of the main killers of older drinkers.
Stomach. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, and vomiting is a particularly visible result. Heavy drinking can lead to stomach problems and ulcers.
Central Nervous System. Alcohol depresses almost every brain function, from balance to breathing. And even though effects lessen as booze leaves the body, regular drinking raises tolerance, so that heavier drinkers can drink more without getting drunk. They do, that is, until liver damage reverses the process, which speeds up damage to the brain and the rest of the body.
on a more sober point of view. i gotta go rehearse my WALKING one mroe time and head down to mediacorp now. please please dont watch msu tonight if you dont want to change the oh so awesome and steady impression of me. HAHAHAHA. dammit.
express yourself! {11:58}
Saturday, April 21, 2007
okay so blogging have lately become a weekly affair.
i shall really try to update as much as i can fromt oday onwards. so i won the island club championship yesterday. feels really good to see youre name up on the honours roll forever. its not like footprints along the beach but more like handprints along the hollywood walk of fame. hahah okay im getting quite carried away now. so ive been asked to escort one of the miss singapore universe contestant down the stage for the evening dress part of the show. plenty of rehearsals to attend. tonight and tomorrow once more. school hasnt been so bad the past week. classmates all remained the same, although interdisciplinary module classes is totally different, its still quite fun. gotta start learning to understand all my modules man. quite hard to understand what the lectures are about. okay going for breakfast now! tata (:
i miss my girlfriend!
express yourself! {10:53}
Sunday, April 15, 2007
okay i made my way back into blogging here again =D
so! i havent seen girlfriend in eight days and its driving me insane. hahahah. i miss you so much girlfriend. eight days is probably the longest period i have not seen you and dont worry, we'll get through this =D =D anyhow, i bowled the most erratic masters ever. with a freaking nice handicap of zero pins. i came in fifth at sicc. and i was the defending champion. losing to a ten year old boy is not that bad, what was worse was when i shot six in a row, shake shake shake pin 4 and striked out. that pin 4 cost me fifteen grand. nice. so ho hum. went down to riverine with the rest for a drink or two or five? hahahahah. watched man u whoop the asses of watford into the fa cup finals. goodness, school's starting tomorrow. and tomorrow is going to be a super super long day. ends at five! gahh. i need some form of mental therapy to relax. feeling pretty uptight. and my back is killing me!
SOMEBODY SAVE ME. maybe superman!
express yourself! {14:59}
Monday, April 09, 2007
this weekend have been a pretty rocky one. lets start around friday. hahaha, went to get lesley's present from marina south and daddy picked up elvina from taka after that. headed down to lesley's for her 18th. pretty crowded party with 2/3 the sports school bowling team there. goodness. anyway the party ended by midnight and we headed down to cine to hang out. went back at four in the freaking morning. woke up at eight and headed down to yishun to watch the b div masters. elle was screaming for huierh for exactly ten games. my goodness she's gonna get a sore throat. ahhaha. paid off cos huierh won.
congratulations huierh! from almost giving up on youre team and qualifying to leading the masters and winning the step ladder. really quite a feat. good job :)
had lunch at the cafe nearby and headed down with elle to island club. boo controversy starts here. i wont even mention it. but to whoever the culprit is, 'you have nothing else better to do. whats even youre intention? goodness, grow up lady! went down for interclub all moody and supported the bowlers. we won 5 - 0. stayed over at keith's after his relentless persuation to gamble the night away. mahjong, texas and blackjack were my compatriots from dusk to dawn. went back home to sleep and sunday was a bore. went to bowl my singles and hmq at club followed by dinner with the club adults. going to hit the sack now. goodnight world.
there are always these little hurdles that come our way
a leap of faith is always required at the end of the day
we'll stick together, hand in hand and heart to heart
everythings gonna be alright, we'll never be apart
i love you girlfriend!
again, everythings gonna be alright, tomorrow will be a brighter day
express yourself! {00:37}
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
hohum. its just another day passing.
so babe didnt make the cut off for masters. top ten would get in but she got eleven :( but really proud of her for making it so far. climbing from 35th to 11th is no small feat :) school's starting in a fortnight's time and im so so not looking forward to it. hahaha. oh lesley's coming back today and her birthday is on friday! some party at her place too. gonna have training later on at seven. i'll blogg back later on. tara!
express yourself! {12:49}
Sunday, April 01, 2007
ahha im back from my wild weekend. okay not really that wild but here it goes. had training on saturday morning which was terrible. my sparing is one hell of a mess now. boo. anyhow after that went down to sicc to play mahjong with gerald aloy and yiquan. won like fifteen bucks hahah. headed home to get ready to meet elle and iris at holland v for dinner. had bak chor mee and cabbed down to mgs for dance dance. certainly the highest pitch cab ride i have ever had. those two were laughing so so madly, its pretty funny. dance dance was pretty cool. kinda thought it would have turned out boring and stuff. but no, i was rather entertained by 'unique' and fatal stabs by the poisons. hahaha okay i shall not be mean. they are brave :) supper at kap with babe and zhing. rushed to play soccer at the cage with the group. really really tiring match and it feels so so good to run about so much. i swear i felt lighter YESTERDAY. haha. went on our little red light excursions and headed back home by 4am. hmm. met babe today to watch mr bean the holiday. the plot really sucks but it was the classic mr bean kind of humour that really got to me. went shopping around after that and i'm back home. pretty beat for the weekend. gonna try to wake up early tomorrow morning to watch elvina book her place in the finals next weekend! good luck babe and no matter what the outcome, be thankful and i love youu <3
express yourself! {22:01}