Friday, June 29, 2007
rah rah rah. rushing up two projects before going to collect my urethane ball from the proshop.
so much things to do and so little time my goodness. after that i pray i wont be caught late at training. will blog back again when i have less things to do. im so damn busy now. grr. hate school!
express yourself! {12:00}
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
poor rabbit which my classmates bought for my birthday just died
my family noticed something was wrong last week and save it we tried
got him five months ago in school from a bunch of my classmate
came in a box with some food it await
for a new home and a new name with a garden to roam
brown, small and furry, it looked like a gnome
it was really great fun having sexy around
like teaching him to climb up and down
until last week when we realised his hind legs weren't moving
instead it was just following his front two, dragging
me and my sister rushed him to the veternarian that afternoon
he was prescribed with some nerve and spinal injury soon
sexy was given some medicine and all seemed to be going swell
even had the thoughts of teaching him to slide the stairwell
later today my sister went to the kitchen to play with him
hoping to see if he was alright, and how was his limb
she heard sexy starting to wheeze and grasp for breath
who knew that it was sexy's last before his death
i love you sexy. faithful family pet <3
express yourself! {23:23}
peaking cycle started yesterday and i never felt more tired.
very thorough warm up, followed by normal bowling.
after 15mins, they off all the lights and it was damn cool.
my body just naturally alined myself up to the breakpoint and my ball was snapping like some super powerful rotation with alot of revolutions. just that its really hard to see. heh. never seen my ball snap so huge in a really long time. one session down and 34 more to go. cant afford to go late as one time being late, i wouldnt have to attend another training until we leave on august 12. goodness. im still pondering over my exams and asian youth clashing.
my dad said "just go for bowling, try youre best since youre given the opportunity. at the most retake the exam or the entire semester" goodness, thats the worst possible outcome. grr. i've wireless technology test tomorrow. so stressful poly life. just short hours but nobody knows what the heck is going on boy.
nevermind, lunch with girlfriend later. something to look forward to.
ho hum, the wind and the rain.
express yourself! {09:35}
Monday, June 25, 2007
ahh @^(
exam period is 13th to 25th august.
my stupid exam clashed with my asian youth!
oh man. complete dilemma to choose between a tournament and my exams.
a big big part of me wants to bowl more than take the exams.
i mean given such a choice, wouldnt you do the same?
and to think its my first major tournament. i can put it down.
so much work. so much assignment. not enough sleep and not much time left!
i miss girlfriend
express yourself! {09:49}
Thursday, June 21, 2007
hohoho. past few days have been rather gloomy. my goodness.
havent seen babe in so so long and the feeling sure does suck.
she's having camp now. some bowling camp. hmmm. im having such a messy dilemma.
asian youth clashes with my exam papers. and ive gotta decide which one i wanna focus on.
i cant give up my dream of bowling can i?
i'll just have to pray that my bowling only rapidly improves.
ohh my mos card just came. so exciting la but i have to spend quite a bit there to retain my card for another year. thinking of hosting a 3k room for my 19th birthday bash there. we'll see.
went mambo yesterday with my sister and she left quite early. headache if im not wrong. met andrew howie ashley and a few others there. zouk was really packed man. as in, i met my barker classmates, primary school friends, bowling friends, school mates. so so many la my goodness. the music was good good good man.
i love mambo <3

i love girlfriend more <3
express yourself! {23:16}
Monday, June 18, 2007
its not everyday when i get the inspiration to rhyme
but today its different, its gonna turn out just fine
today was a terrible bowling game
getting splits at the start, next to my name
thinking its all over, we both started to stone
managed to sort things out and still strike home
only one person would understand what im saying now
little stones im stepping on, with mr and mrs low
love is sometimes a great big mystery
with many big love stories ending up as part of history
while im at it, i love my girlfriend to the ends of the world
nothing will take us apart, not even a windwhirled*
boo intensive training for asian youth is going to start
more time for bowling and less time for sweetheart
its only when my coach looked me in the eyes
and told me about my game that made me realise
ive really gotta start training and fast
the youngsters are catching up and i wont last
its getting late already and i wanna sleep real soon
hmm seems to me like tonight there is no full moon
off to bed now so long, goodnight
ahh. reaching to off the light
express yourself! {02:34}
Sunday, June 17, 2007
If only I had more time, I'd take you where you wanted to go.
Japan is really nice this time of year.
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again.
If only I had more time, I'd take you where you wanted to go.
Italy is really nice this time of year.
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again.
If only I had more time, I'd take you where you wanted to go.
Paris is really nice this time of year.
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again.
Our couch was never big enough for two.
Still, we'd fall asleep in eachother's arms and wake up on the floor.
Now looking back it was made for me and you.
:( wish i could turn back time
express yourself! {13:17}
Saturday, June 16, 2007
its 423am and clearly, i need to readjust my body clock man.
watched fantastic four with the group and girlfriend just now. really not a bad show. the human torch is really cool man =p
day before went down to cheeky's to accompany girlfriend there. first time there and it seems quite alright. not much crowd. okay rnb music but with no transition. hahaha. its like playing music from an ipod. but yeah the drinks were reasonably pricey. all in all quite alright la. baby had a flaming lamborghni and she really had a good kick from it. hahah. got training in like five hours and i need the sleep quite badly. pointless entry but i'll try to make it interesting next entry! i love my girlfriend.
'Cause I am hanging on every word you say
And even if you don't want to speak tonight
That's alright, alright with me
'Cause I want nothing more than to sit
Outside your door and listen to you breathing
Is where I want to be
express yourself! {04:25}
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in and winding out
The shine of it has caught my eye
And roped me in
So mesmerizing, so hypnotizing
I am captivated
express yourself! {02:53}
Saturday, June 09, 2007
a bad case of nostalgia.
i miss you
express yourself! {14:48}
Thursday, June 07, 2007
ahh. TGIF really really soon.
just gotta get rid of one OOAD test later on which by the way, i am totally clueless about. ahhh
fcuk it having class now. e business foundations and its like some story telling lesson la hahahha. oh my. i dont know whether i should start studying or what. because i dont know where to start man. seems like everybody is starting they're own blogs hahahha. foong, howie, ashley and bernice HAHAHAHAH. and its so funny to read they're bloggs la. anyway teacher lecturing. gonna pay attention!
i miss you love
express yourself! {09:27}
Monday, June 04, 2007
hello dear blogg :)
ahh my crazy weekend is over. ive never enjoyed my weekend like the one that just passed. so saturday was spent watching shrek and i swear its a bad bad bad show. balcony was fun though. quiet and quite cosy. i like balcony :) :) whats more its open 24hours! hahah. though we lost interclub 4-1. i bowled like 18 15 20. my gawd the lanes are really tough at sgcc. i guessi just brought the wrong ball or something. hahahha. sunday was spent quite well. went shopping with babe around town. had our lovely jap lunch and walked around novena square after that. family dinner after that. dad and mom, sister and david, me and babe. all six of us at the dinner table. it went pretty well :))
having lesson now and im getting so so far behind in my schoolwork man. i dont know what is going on anymore. god save me.
express yourself! {09:33}
Saturday, June 02, 2007
174 226 181 196 223 194 198 212
to think that every shot i made felt almost perfect and i spent the whole entire day picking up single pin spares. what a boring masters this was. my carry wasnt there at all! grr. oh well. ended up fifth. so i guess thats the end of my national age group for 2007. freaking no medal okay. sigh. whatever la.
anyhow. went to meet elle and headed down to happy daze to celebrate jason and mike's birthday. my goodness. there was alot alot of drinks and alot of people. music was alright and it was actually quite fun. babe got kinda high and i had to send her home after that. the weekend is here! grr i have interclub later though. boo. i love love my girlfriend.
express yourself! {12:51}
Friday, June 01, 2007
197 179 183
okay so im quite upset. not getting any of the four medals. my goal coming into this tournament was to get 5 medals. and i think its actually rather realistic to aim for that. hmmm. my team didnt bowl that well today. not like i bowled well either. anyway my all events position came in at 7th which im quite annoyed with. grr. i feel like im bowling age group as a pacer for the events but i wanna win the masters. gonna get my momentum going!
happy anniversary babe. six months of being together.
express yourself! {01:19}