Tuesday, August 28, 2007
okay here are some pictures from beijing!
just finished one paper and 2 more to go =)
after opening ceremony
dennis david me
girls with theyre blings
victory banquet!
thai boys
sung hee
yang hee
aussie aussie aussie
home sweet home <3
okay off to study now! i'll be free in 24 hours time =)
express yourself! {14:15}
Sunday, August 26, 2007
okay so after a long rest and a few days of losing my voice.
my exams are coming. in like three days time golly. not much of a mood to blog now but i'll just try my best to blog whatever i can. asian youth is over already and thats that. i didnt perform to what i expected of myself and thats that. grr. but i sure did have fun. the victory banquet was really awesome. making new friends and taking pictures the whole night. the team, without mark, headed to the beijing party world. from 12mn to 7am, with 24hr buffet of food and drinks. we paid 40-odd singapore dollars for the big room. hahaha. really cheap man. trip back was horrible though. goodness. never had such a bad headache in ages. sat at the tail of the plane and boy oh boy was it a bumpy ride. its getting rather late. promise to blogg again soon when i have more time on my hands and i'll upload some pictures :)
home sweet home
express yourself! {01:10}
Saturday, August 18, 2007
fuck man
disappointed with my singles and doubles.
express yourself! {21:59}
Thursday, August 16, 2007
what the fugg. ive been cooped up in the beijing hotel like a dog.
we're not allowed to go wonder around and boo, its just damn damn boring here.
freaking internet is like hundred bucks for 24 hours. holy man
anyway unofficial practice was yesterday and the lanes here are terrible. the only aircon coming into the centre was from the shopping mall itself, if you can even call it a shopping mall. hahaha. they just have an apple shop, starbucks, some dirty ol sleazy pub and a cigar shop. hahahah thats the hotel mall for you. almost every alternate lanes have a crack in the middle and the fouline triggers off when you're 2 inches from the dots. HAHAHA. i've to really start thinking about the lanes to match up to the condition man. the internet here is really restrictive too, i cant view blogger or xanga. dont know why and every other major website is in freaking chinese. just like how blogger is completely 100% chinese. oh my. well i sure do miss singapore and its really boring here. enjoy the rest of your lovely week :)
express yourself! {10:46}
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
okay im suppose to get up at like 4 in the morning.
flight for beijing via hongkong leaves at light 8.20.
im feeling pretty good about my preparations for ayc. and yes ive put in alot of hard work for this tournament. now just need to tune in my state of mind. and not get carried away with distractions. i'll try to update my blog as often as i can, provided the sunway hotel in beijing provide reasonably priced internet :) almost done with packing my stuff. just have to double check again and im heading to bed. sleep sleep sleep. i'll have to get some work started on my exams too. grr. okay i think i'll hit the sack now.
thanks everyone who left me a little note in my notebook and to everybody who wished me luck! i'm heading there to compete and with some luck, i wont come back empty handed.
good luck to all those having prelims now. mg and ac =)) good luck and god bless yes.

i miss you like the desert miss the rain
it'll be months but we'll be back together again <3
i love you
express yourself! {00:31}
Friday, August 10, 2007
national day was really good. the fireworks display was excellent.
went there with my sister and david. much better this year in terms of the weather and queue.
gotta go for lesson at ten in the morning later on. grr. last lesson before i leave for beijing and exams. im really really prepared for asian youth man. just that maybe the mood isnt so right for a competition now and i'll lose out to alot of them. go eugene go
if heaven and hell decides that they are both satisfied.
express yourself! {02:05}
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
just look at what i got myself into.im gonna miss you
express yourself! {20:53}
Monday, August 06, 2007
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Your devotion will be persuasive. Keep on your toes when dealing with others. Luck is with you. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love.Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.hahaha. this horoscope thing is pretty amusing. i think i had the worst weekend ever. well, it certainly was pretty boring. the group went genting to celebrate ash's birthday. my coaches didnt allow me to go so i was stuck here for the weekend.
so lets see, simulation for asian youth have started. not bad i think. my singles under a bit. doubles was the fun day. uncle henry came to me and asked me to set a target to hit. i said i will bowl 6 games, 220 average. he told me and ben that if our doubles up 200 pins, he'll give us a hundred dollars each. hahaha. somebody asked what if we up 400, and he said he'll give a thousand to the pair. i bowled a 231 average with a low game of 205 =D hahah. our pair managed up up 280 i think. mark and derek were the crazy ones. mark bowled like 250 average i think. their pair up a total of 400 over. madness. uncle henry lost 1200 dollars. hahah. poor thing but oh well. he was damn steady, he paid us straight away after training. saturday was spent with my parents. went to have lunch at prego. after that i bought a pair of shoes from timberland. i swear its damn damn nice. the cutting quite shiok. though its not very comfortable, but look nice can already =DDD hahahahha. went to watch perfect strangers at night. a pretty good show. something like 2006's dejavu. nice nice. sunday went to visit my grandmother and trim my hair. ohhh im thinking of dying my hair a dark shade of purple before i leave for beijing. hahah cant wait though im having little second thoughts. dinner at home with daddy's friends and watched soccer after that. woohoo. man utd didnt play well at all but still won in the end. nani wasnt much of a head turner either. grr. oh well. in the midst of a presentation.
have a great week ahead guys =p
express yourself! {08:54}