Thursday, July 31, 2008
its 4 in the morning and im wide awake. slept from 4pm to 10pm just now. goodness me, trying to do my assignment but i just cannot think with a clear head. i gotta sort things out soon man. boo. oh well, i hope everything gets back to normal soon. i cant imagine going through everyday with these thoughts in my head. ahh the freaking amount of stress thats piling up =(
Don't blink, don't close your eyes, But most of all don't apologize. It's me who's got the demons to wrestle now. There's a patch of blue in the stormy sky, A memory of a brighter time. When everything was new, and less watered down, Before the summer turned to brown.okay goodnight world, im going to sleep now =/
express yourself! {04:16}
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
okay so its been 36hours since ive been back.
all in all the trip was terrific! definately my best overseas trip with the team so far. ahhh i dont want to come back to singapore and face reality! BAH. i miss my teammates! what to do what to do. so ive like 4 assignments due within the span of about 10 days. exams coming up in 2 weeks time and im feeling very very stressed with the amount of work i have piled up for me. on a lighter note, i really hope i get to go for world mens even though i kinda screwed up in florida, then again i have to decide how much im willing to give up for my bowling. the past day or so have been pretty depressing i must say. i dont know why but im just feeling so moody and lonely. gahh. its just a sudden feeling i dont even know why im getting. like a real heavy heart. i didnt do anything wrong or have to feel guilty about anything but i actually feel very down. might be having too much fun in hong kong and orlando the past month but this feeling and emotion never happened to me before. i dont like =/
something's bugging me and im not too sure what it is myself
enlighten me please
okay my attempt to keep my blog alive was kinda lousy. i shall try harder when i get the blogging mood.
express yourself! {10:52}
Thursday, July 24, 2008
team event is over.
so is world youth
aijfasjhadjfidj fodapfojdksj hfoids if eoi fdsofuds foeiwr9329guodnfo;iwo;nvjm34pijm fi2wjmwidhvfjrwihfjm-eifp j,v-mj-wrhyiomj-93iup4jmepif)&#R)#*@H UOHdf08e 9h98 cAW HD((H# (D (&QE HFI AU
express yourself! {07:33}
Monday, July 21, 2008
ahh i feel sick. had to finish up that last piece of pizza and not put it to waste. hahahha.
oh well my room is in a huge huge mess. anyway done with singles already and i kinda messed up. scores werent that fantastic but my carry was horrible. oh well. 200 170 172 215 216 191 for me. gahh. that put me in 77th position man. doubles event in about 13 hours time and im quite psyched about it. partnering ben =) yay. so wish me luck people! btw congrats to jasmine on her bronze medal. awesome stuff.
i dont want to go back to home yet. im just beginning to enjoy myself overseas =/ gahhh
goodnight everyone
express yourself! {11:05}
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
orlandoooim here already! 20 hours in the air and im finally here in orlandooo =)
did some retail therapy today. the premium outlets here are pretty good!
shopped from outlet shops like boss, ck, banana republic, a/x, fcuk and many many more.
i think i will go broke in a few days time at this rate. but seriously yo, the shopping here beats singapore's orchard road anytime! hahahah everywhere is sale sale sale sale sale! sweet! ive been feeling tired by 6pm everyday since landed. need to get my sleeping hours in check man. looking forward for the championship to start. simply cant wait. i love the adrenaline of such tournaments! ahh but that would mean that i'd be heading back to school. and ive so so much work to do, its simply no joke! gahh, okay im going to tuck in now, its 1am in the morning already. night!
express yourself! {12:50}
Thursday, July 10, 2008

yayy we got bronze for the men's trios. just 19pins from silver but im contented with a bronze i guess. at least i dont go back empty handed. done with asian champs already. didnt make the masters and we were pretty close to getting a team event medal until the long oil. ahhh. oh well it was tough. few more days in hong kong and i'll be heading over to florida =) hopefully i'll strike some medals there too! thanks for all the well wishes. cant wait to go back to singapore!
lets go singapore lets go!
express yourself! {00:41}
Saturday, July 05, 2008
all good luck messages should come now.
anytime soon.... hahahha i need all the freaking morale i can get.
going to start really really soon. im dressing up my thumb and all while waiting for the lanes to get oiled. man its cold in this alley. and im getting a little nervous but really feeling pretty confident at the same time. gahhh give me the booze =(
express yourself! {17:53}
Thursday, July 03, 2008
its been a long day!
had 2 hours of unofficial practice today. lanes were really nice to bowl. didnt get a chance to bowl the long and short oil though. gahh. it was just house conditions. only problem i faced was the approach. really really slippery. hahah anyhow. we headed to some buffet lunch with super duper awesome waffles and crepes :) yummy! went mongkok and tsim sha tsui for shopping shopping. hahaha. bought some shirt there. half my allowance is gone! hahah. had really good hongkong food for dinner. i had some oyster congee. super yummy! the food in hong kong is overall pretty good. think im going to be one fat boy like i used to be when i get back to singapore hahahahah. going to nap real soon. boo the internet here is frigging expensive. canot afford to use it everynight man =(
ahh its wednesday night and my body is not used to not being at mambo this time of the week. hahaha. all i can do is just sit down and listen to my mambo playlist. rahhh. okay going to sleep now. cya everyone! pray i get some medals okay =)
express yourself! {00:09}
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
i really should be asleep, even my roommate slept already, heh.
its 1233am and ive to wake up early in the morning to bowl.
just touch down in hong kong this morning at 1000hr.
its been a long long day. hong kong is pretty alright, seems like there is alot of shopping to do, and the people here are quite friendly i guess. air a little stale but its bareable. my my, the hotel is super nice, like a flat screen 26" tv or something like that. one of the best hotels ive been to thus far in competition. but the darn internet is so expensive. hmm gonna blow most of my allowance on the internet for sure. plan for tomorrow would be breakfast, unofficial practice till 12 and then lunch and rest and recreation i guess. teammates were thinking of going to watch hancock but im afraid that it'll all turn out dubbed over in cantonese and i dont understand a word of cantonese. hahah. talking about movies, please please dont watch WANTED. though it stars angelina jolie and all, its a really bad show with a terrible story line! i want to watch so many shows, the black knight, hancock, deception, 21, many many more. haven been watching movies since like feb or smth. about time to start again. okay will check back and blog again.
the song maybe by jay sean is nice =)
thanks trix!
express yourself! {00:32}