Thursday, August 28, 2008
okay so im back from my thailand trip.
the lanes there seemed really tough man. they bowl the long further right as compared to the short, hahah something i havent seen before. well i just hope the singapore guys hang in there and there's just the singles left so hopefully they can get back something =) daddy just got discharged today so i guess i'll be spending time at home with him. went down to zouk for yesterday and it was really fun. catching up with long lost friends i havent seen in months and all. okay im tired so i'll just upload some pictures to let it do the talking about my trip to thailand!

air asia mini plane!

yuwee and i after his trios
there were alot of bowling superstars there and including a few celebs:

tommy jones =)

choi bok eum

osku palermaa and chris barnes

mika koivuniemi

rhino page

heck, even tarzan was there! haha trophilactic*

and this really adorable giant dog at some dog show =)
express yourself! {13:03}
Thursday, August 21, 2008
one last paper tomorrow. and i realise i only need 20/100 to pass the entire module because i did pretty well for my other part of my entire module =)
so that managed to cut me off some stress. hahahah. and after that its off to thailand to see the singa-boys(men) bowl the world men cship. hahaha. i cant believe im going up to support them.
but i guess it'll be a good break from all the hectic school work ive been suffering the past few weeks. cant waittt..
well ive nothing much happening to blog about.
unless you wanna hear how radio waves are transmitted and that to count the value or the EOQ you gotta square root two multiplied by unit cost multiplied by demand over holding cost. HAHAHA.
okay i shall attempt something more exciting soon =)
express yourself! {23:38}
Sunday, August 17, 2008
ahhh. i just realised, im about five days to my two months of freedom!
but but, the next five days are going to be torturous man.
IMGT assignment due followed by IMGT exam on wednesday and WT exam on friday.
gahhh. save me =( anyway im going up to thailand on friday night with lenny to watch the guys bowl in the world mens cship. since im not selected to go, the only way i can contribute is by rahrahing them there. hahahha. sigh. i might regret going but oh well.
weekend was quite alright, friday night was spent playing mahjong with geri and shay, initially but thats a whole different matter. hahaha. went for training on saturday at 1pm and met shaun after that. wandered around town the whole entire day with shaun followed by dinner with lenny jack and ling at crown centre. poker throughout the night. sunday was quite alright, woke up late for frisbee and i only managed about 10minutes of play before the rain and wind told us to stop. took a cab down to paragon for xiaolongbao with jazzy and shay followed by dessert at sushi tei. hahah. we walked all the way from town back to jazzy's place before hitching a cab with shay.
sitting in my dining room now watching singapore's paddlers lose straight sets to china in an olympic finals isnt the way i want to describe what im doing now but it is. its quite frustrating watching the match actually. but i just have to watch it, i cant explain why. hahah. i need to do up my assignment and study for something i have no idea about. ahh. the amount of stress im under. really sucks!
cool i really like the chorus of 《情非得已》- 庾澄庆
只怕我自己会爱上你 敢让自己靠的太近
怕我没什么能够给你 爱你也需要很大的勇气
只怕我自己会爱上你 也许有天会情不自禁
express yourself! {20:29}
Sunday, August 10, 2008
so i had my first ultimate frisbee lesson yesterday.
i wasnt good at throwing or catching. hahahaha. all i was useful for was intercepting and knocking down the perfectly calm looking flying frisbee. hahah though its a really fun sport i must say =) had a xiaolongbao feast at dintaifung after frisbee with jazzy geri shayna and willie. gah. i love xlb!
headed downt to meet keith and trix for national day.
it was pretty fun, the rain didnt really dampen any mood whatsoever.
though it was supposed to be the four of us... ah lets not even go there.
so the aerial display was really great. loved the heart they drew, i uploaded the video on my facebook so go take a look alright =) ouu the fireworks were really really awesome. very pretty.
i love love love fireworks man! anyhow, we human trafficed out of the crowd and headed to en grill for dinner. the food was superb and the company was great. yesterday was a good day =)
today on the other hand, not so productive. stayed at home the whole day. finally watched high school musical after so long. hahaha. quite a cute show. parents just left for the instana and im so damn bored, think im going to meet shay and play mahjong. boo.
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me upwho would have known? =p
express yourself! {18:32}
Thursday, August 07, 2008
orlando =))
i think i injured or strained my back. but i cant seem to find the cause of it.
could it be the new timing that im being forced to change to
could it be my horrible sitting and sleeping posture
could it be the running i overexerted two days ago
or could it just be all in my head.
anyway, this is hilarious.
so at this very moment, im sitting in the atrium of my school. there's about 100 people in the whole school right now. im so stupid, its already thursday and there have been no lessons this entire week. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING IN SCHOOL! hahahahha. shit i didnt even know there's no lesson. bah. silly boyy.
kae i said my peace. blog back again soon i promise.
it only takes two heart attacksto finally make you see
one of them won't do it
but the second will set you free
tell all your hate and anger
it's time to say good bye
and that is just what I will do
as soon as those bastards I work for die
express yourself! {15:30}
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
so training started yesterday.
first day returning to the bowling alley and my bowling completely changed.
i dont quite like this new timing they asked me to bowl. i feel so not eugene low when i bowl now. hahahahah. but im just going to give it a chance. try to believe in the system and maybe, just maybe it'll work out well haha.
just ran to lenny's place with carl. and i did the dumbest thing, i ran back home hahahhaha.
my calves and thighs are so freaking TIGHT. i walk like FRANKENSTEIN. hahah.
okay enough rubbish, going to meet shaun for lunch now.
just a short short entry.
everybody is falling ill, GET WELL SOON EVERYBODY!
express yourself! {10:26}
Saturday, August 02, 2008
so i just reached back home from merli's birthday party.
not as rowdy as i thought it would be, but it was quite fun =)
great company and good friends catching up over some friendly poker! haha
friday night was my break night from all my assignments and all. so i guess its back to the microsoft word and into the essays again! goodness me. i cant really sleep at the moment. too much things on my mind. oh btw i didnt make the world mens' squad. i guess i still have alot to work on my game or something. coaches say think im not ready for it ): they will only be sending five men instead of usual six. hahah beats me why their doing it but its been confirmed. i sure hope the guys bowl well in thailand! i might even go up and rah rah them on.
i love the song lyrics!
thanks trix for the song once again.
Maybe - Jay Sean
Beep Beep oh look now there goes my phone
And once again im just hoping its a text from
It aint right read ur messages twice thrice
Four times a night its true
Everyday I patiently wait
Feeling like a fool but I do, anyway
Nothing can feel as sweet and as real
Cuz I know that I wasn't waiting in vain..
And maybe its true
Im caught up on you
Maybe there's a chance your stuck on me too
So maybe im wrong
Its all in my head
Maybe we're afraid of words we both haven't said
Im always connected online
Hooked on myspace all the time
Hoping you've Checked my profile
Just can't help wondering why,You play it cool but,
I'm hopelessly falling for you, Every night on the phone I'm..
In love with you, and I know you like it girl
All joking aside,
Let's see you and I Come out and say what we're trying to hide..
And maybe its true
Im caught up on you
Maybe there's a chance your stuck on me too
So maybe im wrong
Its all in my head
Maybe we're afraid of words we both haven't said
Like I really want you,I think I need you,
Baby I miss you,I'm thinking of you [x2][Guitar Solo]
And maybe its true (OH)
Im caught up on you (maybe, yeah)
Maybe there's a chance your stuck on me too (Stuck on me too)
So maybe im wrong (Hey baby, yeah..)
Its all in my head.. (OH NO)
Maybe we're afraid of words we both haven't said (both haven't said)
And Maybe Its True Im Caught Up On You
Maybe Theres A Chance You're Stuck On Me Too
So Maybe Im Wrong, And Its All In My Head
Maybe We're Afraid Of Words We Both Hadnt Said
Maybe it's true..(Baby I Miss You)
I'm caught up on you (Look I Want You)
Maybe I am wrong Baby I miss you...
express yourself! {05:46}